Advisory Council/Steering Committee

National EPA Advisory Council / Steering Committee

The composition of the National EPA Advisory Council / Steering Committee is proposed to include:

Representation will be at Director level or an individual of appreciable knowledge of EPA, with clout and influence.

The EPA Advisory Council will monitor the progress of Ghana’s iEPA and Accompanying Measures, facilitate access to the relevant institutions, assure their timely and sufficient inputs where required, provide guidance on project implementation and ensure compliance with applicable legislation, regulations and standards. Inter alia, the Advisory Council will:

The Advisory Council is expected to hold two (2) meetings in a year and the total cost of six (6) meetings through duration of the project will be paid under the Grant contract.

The COMPETE Ghana Steering Committee is organised in the fringe of the meetings of the EPA advisory council. The COMPETE Ghana SC includes in top of the members of the EPA Advisory Council, the European Union (EUD), the Ministry of Finance-National Authorising Officer (NAO), USAID as chair of the PSD-SWG and other relevant Development Partners.